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How To Spread the Word About Your Book Event

Once you have your book signing scheduled, it’s time to promote it. There are several ways to effectively get the word out about your event. Here are a few of them.


Physical advertising

When it comes to local events, nothing beats signs in places people will see them. Yard signs, bulletin boards, signs on posts, and flyers are great ways to spread awareness about your book signing. Always ask permission before placing your advertisements in public, of course. 


Community centers such as gyms, libraries, and coffee shops often have plenty of space for community advertisements.

Social media

Use your social following to your advantage. Post in Facebook groups about your event, post about it on your own channels. If you have the budget, place a digital ad targeted to people in your area about your event. 

Word of mouth

Make sure to tell as many people in your day to day life about your book signing! Have a short pitch rehearsed in your head, so you can give an interesting response when people ask “What is your book about?” 


Strike up conversations with both friends and strangers about your upcoming event. You never know where they might lead!

Your book signing venue

If applicable, work with the venue at which you are having your book signing. A Barnes & Noble store or a library will often have a website updated with their event schedule. They also may have email lists they send to dedicated patrons – your event could be featured on one. 


Dorrance Website

We publish a list of author events on our website. Let us know about your author event by emailing


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