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Author Spotlight: Timothy Horne

Dorrance Publishing Author Spotlight Timothy Horne 1Name: Timothy Horne

Hometown: Shamokin, PA

Book Title: Detective Davis and the Swamp Bandits

Genre: Mystery/Adventure

Dorrance Publishing (DP): Describe your book in 10 words or less.

Timothy Horne (TH): It’s about a group of detectives who solve a robbery.

DP: What made you want to write your book?

TH: I had written poems in the past and thought it would be exciting to write a book.

DP: How long did it take you to write your book?

TH: It took me about 8 months.

DP: How do you choose the names of your characters?

TH: All of my characters’ names are random.

DP: What do you do when you have writer’s block?   

TH: I think about different ways the chapter can end.

DP: What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

TH: I think the last chapter was my favorite part of the book because it really brought the story together.

DP: If you were stuck on an island and had to have one person from each category with you, who would they be and why:

a. One character from your book:

TH: I think I would choose Detective Davis because he is the main character.

b. One fictional character:

TH: I would pick Gibbs from NCIS.

c. One famous person (living or dead):

TH: I would choose Jesus.

DP: Besides writing, what are your other interests?

TH: I also collect coins.

DP: Do you keep a journal?

TH: No, I don’t keep a journal.

DP: How did you celebrate the publishing of your book?

TH: I celebrated with my family.

DP: If your book was made into a movie, who would play the main characters?

TH: I think Will Estes would be a good fit for Detective Davis.

DP: What did you enjoy most about working with Dorrance Publishing?

TH: I enjoyed getting to see my book develop.

DP: Five favorite books of all time?

TH: 1) The Bible 2) The 39 Clues 3) The Chronicles of Narnia 4) Mere Christianity 5) The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

DP: One sentence of advice for other writers:

TH: Never give up on your ideas if they don’t seem to be coming together right now.

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Dorrance Publishing Author Spotlight Timothy Horne 2

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