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Dorrance Book Spotlight: Short and True Stories

Dorrance Book Spotlight: Short and True Stories

We all have stories to tell. In fact, Dorrance Publishing author Michael Tee Sats has 13 to tell us in his book, Short and True Stories!

Sats grew up on the north side of Chicago and has lived for the last 21 years in California. Now, while enjoying his retirement from a security firm, he’s living out his dream of being a writer. The release of his 44-page paperback full of short stories helped him to do just that!

To keep in line with the spirit of this book, we’re going to give you a short-but-sweet overview!

Short and True Stories invites us to enjoy 13 tales that prove the old saying, “Fact is stranger than fiction.”  All of the stories in this book were taken from Sats’ childhood and early life. Each story throughout the book offers bits of wisdom, and of course fun!

“The Restroom Poet,” and “The Teaser “ are just two of the tales in Short and True Stories that’ll leave you intrigued and wanting more. Throughout the pages of this book, Sats makes you feel as if you’re a lifelong friend and brings you right into the thick of these tales with his narrative voice and inviting writing style.

So if you’re looking for a quick read and something that’ll pique and keep your interest from start-to-finish, Short and True Stories is the book for you. Grab a copy for yourself in the Dorrance Bookstore today!

Copyright Dorrance Publishing, 2017

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