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Stranger Than Fiction Writing Tips: Part Two

At the end of August, we published, “Stranger Than Fiction Writing Tips.” In that blog were five tips to aid in writing a fiction novel, such as the importance of getting to know your audience, making characters come to life, and transforming your story, just to name a few.

Today, as promised, we’re back with three more tips to help keep you motivated and on the “write” track.

Step away from the story Writer’s block is every writer’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, virtually every author from time to time will experience this loss of creativity. If you’ve fallen victim, have no fear, there are ways to overcome this mental barrier. For instance, take a walk, listen to music or just simply relax. Whatever you do, it’s important to remove yourself from your writing and to refocus your mind. In the end, brain breaks are beneficial because they help clear your mind and hop over the proverbial “wall.”

The thrill of the hunt – Are you having trouble finding a plot line that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats? If so, consider adding a “cat and mouse” chase of sorts. For example, have a protagonist pursue an idea, an obsession, an object, a person or even a mystery for added curiosity. It’s the thrill of the hunt that will keep your readers turning the pages!

Sound it out – Once you’ve completed the first draft of your book, it’s time to revise. Rather than reading over it quietly, read it aloud! How your words sound is hugely important in keeping your plot alive and making sure that your sentences flow and make sense. Though it might feel awkward, you’ll be able to discover inconsistencies that you might have missed while reading your story silently. For added help, read your book to someone else; this can help you understand how your story is perceived by someone other than yourself.

If you’ve been struggling to find your fiction writing groove, take note of these three tips to help move one step closer to making your book publishing dreams a reality!

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