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How to Prepare for Interviews – and Then Nail Them!

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Our promotional package is designed to attempt to get the word out about your book. Together with your own efforts, this may get you an interview with your local paper, television station, web show, and/or radio station. If you land an interview, what next? Here are some tips.


Preparing for the interview


  • Do prepare for the interview. Don’t go into it with an “I’ll just wing it” mentality. Rather, develop five or six solid talking points to build on during your interview. Be able to talk about what makes your book unique in only a couple sentences.
  • Use social media to spread the word about your upcoming interview. Include information such as when and where the interview will take place, and how viewers can watch or listen. Let us know as well so we can be on the lookout for it upon release.
  • Do pay attention to what is going on in current events that are related to your book’s genre or topic, and think about how you might tie them into the discussion of your book.

Dorrance author Karina Schulz being interviewed on a podcast.

During the interview


  • Do remember the number-one rule: No matter who’s interviewing you, whether it’s a local celebrity or a woman from the local newspaper, treat the journalist with courtesy and respect.
  • Be yourself. It may sound trite, but being yourself is the only way to stand out. Act professional and courteous, but let your natural personality shine.
  • Don’t beg people to buy your book. Adding constant plugs about selling your book into your interview can easily turn people off. Rather, be genuine with your message and people will want to buy your book.


Whether it is an appearance on a Youtube show, podcast, or the local TV news, take note of these tips and remember to stay calm, cool and collected. Good luck!

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