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Check Out These “Novel” Ideas

Let’s be quite frank: Writing a novel can be difficult.

You know deep down in your heart that you can write; however, when it comes down to it, the actual act of writing can prove to be a challenge.

If your endeavors echo this sentiment, listen closely –we have a few ideas that might help you burst through this temporary writing plateau.

The early bird gets the worm – Upon your feet hitting the floor, make your way to your computer or notepad and begin to write. At the break of dawn, your mind is often like a clean slate and the day’s worries have not yet fully registered. If you need something to help those ideas percolate, grab a cup of coffee or tea, whichever you prefer, and keep writing!

Be a night owl ­– On the flip side of the pillow, so to speak, sometimes people thrive on writing in the wee hours of the morning when the rest of the world is fast asleep. This time is often distraction-free and allows you to think fairly clearly and creatively. Plus, it feeds that “cool writer who works furiously through the night” persona that many people associate with authors!

The organizer ­– If you enjoy organization, then outlining your novel is the way to go. Write out your plot, describe your characters and map out the main points of your novel before you start the writing process. This will help you focus your thoughts and will provide an organized structure to follow as you write.

Hit the target ­– Before you type or write a single word, consider setting a word count goal. Whether it’s 500 words or 2,000 words, set your aim and hit the target. In this exercise, don’t worry about your words being perfect; after all, it’s the first draft. Rather, write as much as you can and capture your surge of creativity –you can always refine your words later. Each time you set a goal and hit the target you’ll feel a rush that drives you to continue riding the wave of momentum, and, before you know it, you’ll be done with your novel!

Give yourself a break – Now, there is such a thing as writing too much, which can lead to burn out. If you start to lose motivation and are dreading writing, cut down on the amount of words per day that you make yourself write. Even though it’s a smaller number of words, you are still chugging along on the track toward a finished novel. By doing so, writing will, in time, feel like less work. And in that smaller, focused window of writing time, you’ll maximize your creative juices’ flow!

Remember, these are all just ideas to help you write your novel. In the end you have to decide which tactic works best for you. No matter what route you choose to take, we hope that the road will ultimately lead to your finished novel and the beginning of your publication journey!

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