Made in America

Author Spotlight: Robb Bartel

Name: Robb Bartel 

Hometown: Franklin (Milwaukee), WI

Book: Robby Raccoon

Genre: Children’s

  1. Describe your book in 10 words or less. A family of raccoons lives in vacant homes. After eviction by an exterminator, they reunite.
  2. What made you want to write your book?  I work as an exterminator and release all live caught animals. I thought about animal families reuniting after different release times.
  3. How long did it take you to write your book? One week. I had the idea bouncing around in my head for over a year.
  4. How do you choose the names of your characters? I kept it simple. The main character and his brother are named after me and my brother.
  5. What do you do when you have writer’s block? Stop writing and work it out in my head throughout the next day or two.
  6. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? When the family gets reunited. They were not sure if they were going to see each other again.
  7. If you were stuck on an island and had to have one person from each category with you, who would they be and why? 
    1. One character from your book: Mom Raccoon: She stands her ground and will fight for you.
    2. One fictional character: Iron Man: He is one of my and my son’s favorites. And he may be able to help get us off the island.
    3. One famous person: Behr Grylls: He is a survivalist and that is handy for a desert island.
  8. Besides writing, what are your other interests? I love spending time hanging out with my family and pursuing many different art forms.
  9. Do you keep a journal? No journal, but I do keep a running log of quotes I have created.
  10. How did you celebrate the publishing of your book? I spent time hanging out with my family.
  11. If your book was made into a movie, who would play the main characters? I would love Pixar or another animator to make a cartoon of it. Any actors for the voices would be great.
  12. What did you enjoy most about working with Dorrance Publishing? I loved the illustrations they did and the finished product.
  13. Five favorite books of all time? Any Golden book, monster children’s books, and Death by Diet.
  14. One sentence of advice for other writers? Never give up or think that it will not come to be. Keep pressing through low points.

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